Tree of Life:
Turkish Home Cooking
by Joy E. Stocke & Angie Brenner
Turkish Home Cooking
by Joy E. Stocke & Angie Brenner
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
4:00 PM
Library Loggia
On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the library courtyard at 4 pm, the public is invited to attend a reception and book signing with authors, Joy E. Stocke and Angie Brenner. Their book, Tree of Life: Turkish Home Cooking, is a beautifully photographed cookbook.
“Turkish cuisine, long overlooked, comes to the fore in this lush and inviting cookbook. Packed with vibrant recipes, this book is laced with the aromas of the country’s rich culinary history, offering something for everyone: chicken with walnut sauce, jeweled beet dip, dilled yogurt soup with chickpeas and rice, and rose milk pudding—you’ll want to get cooking at once!”
—Maria Speck, food journalist and award-winning author of Simply Ancient Grains and Ancient Grains for Modern Meals