Island Booknotes Live 2021: Authors Unmasked
Thursday, March 4, 2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
A video recording of this event will be available soon.
On Thursday, March 4, 2021,at 4 pm, the Johann Fust Library Foundation continued with the literary series entitled, “Island Booknotes Live 2021.” Lucinda Dixon Sullivan and Daly Walker spoke about their work in a personal conversation moderated by Alice Gorman. Each of the participants is a published author of fiction and each was a contributor to Island Booknotes 2020 (the magazine.)
Lucinda Dixon Sullivan is originally from Kentucky. Her mother taught Speech and Drama at Western Kentucky University and coached the debate team. Lucinda’s early life revolved around the university. She, herself, went on to the University of Kentucky and graduated from the University of Louisville. She later went to Vermont College where she received her MFA in writing with a focus on fiction. Lucinda has written a novel entitled It was the Goodness of the Place, essays and short stories. She also has had an active life as an editor. Currently she is working on a collection of stories including a novella. For Island Booknotes 2020, the magazine, she wrote a review of Colum McCann’s 2020 book, Apeirogon.
Daly Walker’s new collection of short stories entitled Resuscitation is soon to be released. The title story is currently published in Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine. His short stories have appeared in numerous literary publications, including The Atlantic Monthly and The Saturday Evening Post. They have been shortlisted for Best American Short Stories, a Pushcart Prize, and an O’Henry Award. His first published collection of stories was entitled, Surgeon Stories. Daly teaches a fiction writer’s workshop at Dartmouth College in Osher@Dartmouth’s summer program.
Alice Gorman has been writing poetry and prose since childhood. She credits her mother for reading A.A. Milne and The Secret Garden out loud to her. One of her greatest pleasures has been her nearly twenty-year membership in the Live Poets’ Society of Boca Grande. Alice earned her MFA in Writing from Spalding University in 2005. Her fiction and creative nonfiction have been published in Vogue, O, The Oprah Magazine, The Louisville Review and others. Her first novel, Valeria Vose was published in 2018. Her poems have been published in The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature and anthologized in “Island Dreams,” and Routes, “20 Years of Tenants Harbor Poetry Readings.“