Literary Series
George and Barbara Bush: A Great American Love Story
With Their Granddaughter, Ellie LeBlond Sosa
George and Barbara Bush: A Great American Love Story
With Their Granddaughter, Ellie LeBlond Sosa
Thursday, January 24, 2019
4:00 PM
Library Loggia
“To begin with I was in love and I am in love, so that’s not hard,” Barbara Bush told her granddaughter Ellie LeBlond Sosa on her porch in Kennebunkport, Maine.
Ellie had asked for the secret to Barbara and President George H. W. Bush’s seventy-seven-year love affair that withstood World War II separation, a leap of faith into the oil fields of West Texas, the painful loss of a child, a political climb to the highest office, and, after the White House, the transition back to “normal” life.
Through a lifetime’s worth of letters, photographs, and stories, Sosa and coauthor Kelly Anne Chase paint the portrait of the enduring relationship of George and Barbara Bush. Sharing intimate interviews with the Bushes and family friends, this is a never-before-seen look into the private life of a very public couple.
We are honored to present Ellie LeBlond Sosa, who will speak about her book and about her legendary grandparents.